Our beginnings as told by
Jim Stover
Jim Stover, who was our longest serving member with over 42 years of volunteer service, died peacefully at the Lebanon Valley Brethren Home in 2011. Jim was the only board member who had served continuously since our organization was formed. Jim will be remembered for his many years of unselfish service to the community.

The idea of a “social ministry” to help those in need in the Hershey Community was inspired by Jay Coble who brought up the subject in a Sunday school class in the mid 1960’s. Jay said, “You know we keep talking about the orphans, the sick, the prisoners and that’s all we do. When are we going to do something?” The class took up his challenge, but looking back, Jim said the idea was a hard sell in Derry Township where many people have the false impression that there aren’t people in need.

Gradually, all the churches in Derry Township became a part of the Derry Township Social Ministry Committee formed in 1967. The Food Bank was “officially launched” in 1968, although food was being distributed years earlier to families in need.

The first treasurer was Allen Hammond, the principal of Milton Hershey School from 1939-1959. In 1970, Jim Stover, one of the original members who had served on various committees since the formative years, was nominated as Treasurer and held that position until September 2010. Jim’s first Treasurer’s report boasted a bank account with $154.00.

Many changes have occurred since the mid 1960’s. In the past 55 plus years thousands of individuals, families and children have been fed, clothed, visited, assisted with securing jobs, provided with furnishings, dental care, transportation, assisted with budget counseling, helped with emergency utility and rent payments, etc. Friendships have been formed between volunteers and clients, and many hugs and tears have been shared as we continue our mission to help our neighbors in need.

In 1997 the Derry Township Social Ministry was formally incorporated. In 1999 we became a 501 (c) 3 tax exempt organization.

In 2010 we changed our name to Hershey Food Bank and Community Outreach to better reflect our mission of service to our community.

Late in 2011, The Hershey Company generously donated the land at 120 East Derry Road and $100,000 toward the building fund.

In early 2012 we started a five-year capital campaign to raise funds for the new building. Ginny and Jeff Edleman were the campaign Co-Chairs. The late Nancy and Richard Zimmerman, Carol Schneidereit, Alan Brechbill, and Ted Kleisner were the Honorary Co-Chair Committee members.
The campaign was so successful that we were able to break ground in Fall 2012, and held our first food distribution on March 21, 2013.

Today, the board and a dedicated group of volunteers continue to work together to serve over 400 families every month. We are very grateful to our supporters, local businesses, residents, churches, service clubs, etc. Together we are making a difference!